Monday, April 18, 2016

Shark Tank Towbe Draft

            Polly, Owen, Mr.D, and myself will be pitching a shark tank product to investors. Our goal is to gain $100,000 of investor money in our product to help grow and expand our Towbe. There will be two sharks and two people pitching the product (Owen and I). We will go through the conventions that make up a shark tank pitch and basically be providing the class with its own shark tank pitch in real life. We will have examples from out side sources (picutres, video, interviews, ect…) in our prezi and show examples of our competitor and why we are better.
            The goal of this shark tank presentation is to get across the conventions we know how to break down from different speeches, come together as a group and get different idea together, hopefully we found a radical product that everyone will like, and

Towbe Incorporations
-Built off cleaning the ocean and beaches
            -10% of all proceeds go to cleaning the beaches and oceans around local       California waters.

Some basic questions that the sharks will ask Owen and I and our responses that will obviously be more in depth and detailed on stage.
1. What are your sales?
Our sales to date our 1000 units from Santa Barbara beach house and major surf shop in ventura from January 2016. Our sales to date our just over $25,000, roughly on track to close out of our first year in 2016 with $100k plus in sales.
Cost to make- $5
Sell online - $30
Sell to retailers- $15
2. What do you bring to the table?
We currently are both top of our Business and economics courses at Stanford with a brand new idea that will be bigger than the snuggie that sold over 10million units. The potential of our product will be even greater than the snuggie, we are both young hungey and dedicated on this project. We have spent countless hours getting our patents and specialzed towbes to be made public. If there 2 men you want working for you day and night making you money, look no further.
-The investors on "Shark Tank" say over and over again that an investment isn't just in an idea or a business, but in the entrepreneur themselves.
3. Why do you need our money?
We just patented the backpack towbe, we need capital to get our first order of 5,000 units of backpack towbes out to the ventura warehouse and online website. We will buy inventory needed for our sales and help our advertisement and marketing firms grow.
4. Why the big valuation?

Our evaluation is so big because snuggie has sold over 500 million to date. And I can give you 5 reasons why were better and going to be the next snuggie.
·      Our towbe can do just what snuggie does but better
·      Ours turns into a backpack to hold items
·      Used for changing in and out of your wetsuit for the beach
·      Can be used out of the shower. Dry off, get ready, ect..
·      Can be customized to any towel configurations you want

5. Is your product unique?

Our product is different and unique that it can be completely customizable like Nike ID and they will be able to fold up into a backpack the holds all beach wear,, ect. There is nothing like our product out there and we need your help to take it to the next level and beat out snuggie.

6. How much debt do you have?

We have no current debt

7. What are your costs?

We buy our product for $5.00 flat and sell it for upwards of 29.99, much more affordable than other brands and turns into a backpack, has sleeves, and can be customized to your liking.

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