Monday, April 4, 2016

Start/Stop/Continue #3

Speech #3
·      Start with an overview of what I’m going to be talking about and explaining my topic with what’s going to follow. I like how LaQuay does this in his speeches and always gives us an overview of what’s ahead.
·      Getting people/audience involved more so that they don’t daydream or stop paying attention. I should do more hands on talking to the class and getting them more involved with questions, show of hands, ect..
·      Changing my voice tone more to match what I’m trying to say. Make it sound more enthusiastic when the time is right and bring it to a more serious tone when I need to.
·      Moving around more and use up the whole front of the class, I find myself limited and always standing near the computer when I should be utilizing the whole floor.
·      Being calm and confident when being up on stage, most of the jitters go away after 30 seconds but it’s the anticipation of going up to do the speech that gets me nervous.
·      Having a better conclusion and going over all my main points at the end to wrap everything up and get people to understand that prisonshops are good!
·      Adding more comedy in my speech, I have done so in the past and I would like to add more throughout the speech and get the audience more involved and laughing.
·      I could have added more history on the sweatshops. Typically when they originated and why and how they were caught many times in America but have been shut down.
·      I also wanted to explain more about the companies being able to specially buy out individual prisons and have them make whichever product they want. They would also be in charge of how much each prisoner is paid depending on work experience and production output rates.
·      Stop rushing through my speech and talking to fast. I need to slow down my speech and give a moment of silence or breath to gather my thoughts rather then rush to the next thing.
·      Saying um and uh when I get lost or confused on what I just said. Its easy to throw those in as fillers when instead I could use a moment of silence.
·      Stay away from monotone speeches; I need to mix up my voice when necessary to give my speech that extra push it needs. At the end of my speech I should of gone with a straight southern accent talking bout merica’ and beer when presenting those slides of American goods. That would show me adapting to my speech style and genre more.
·      Reading off the slide show or prezi I have. I need to work on just finding key words when I glance at the screen to help me remember what to talk about rather then just reading directly off the sreen.
·      To be happy and enthusiastic about what I am presenting. Always stay smiling and keeping good eye contact. Portraying a positive attitude keeps you positive and reflects off on to others watching and listening.
·      Speak to the audience and not face the screen. Knowing my presentation by heart helps a lot and makes it so I don’t have to keep checking the computer or screen. Although I did get caught up reading off the screen 2 or 3 times on the longer typed slides.
·      Using hand gestures, even though they can use improvement to help keep the audience focused elaborate on things.
·      Being myself and using topics that continue to interest me. I really like my last one because it was kind of reasonable. It had a legitimate feel that could actually work.
·      My hand gestures improved this speech from the last two but still could use work. I could have used my fingers to list off the problems or reasons why I choose jails in America.

Classmates Move’s
·      Nick LaQuay- What I liked about Nick’s speech was that he had a really interesting topic and presentation. This kept the audience involved and always looking at the screen. His overview of the whole presentation in the beginning is what I find most effective and helpful in explaining his topic.
·      Mr.D- I liked how Mr. D picked a topic that was really out there and something very radical. It was something not everyone thinks about ever… but he made a very interesting point to recycle our waste and use humanure instead of plumping.
·      Connor- I really liked how Connor threw the change and the money on the table when talking about going back to the barter system. The use of props was a good attention grabber and really got everyone listening to what he had to say.

Prezi Link-

Speech video link-


  1. Ryan- I really enjoyed the topic that you presented on. I feel like you don’t really talk to fast as you stated, but sometimes you could talk a little less monotone. You gave really good background on sweatshops around the world that really made me cringe at the harsh conditions that women have to endure while working. I appreciate that it evoked some type of emotional response from listening. I really like how you wrapped up your speech in the end, with three different pictures in your prezi that represent the stereotypical American and what the country kind of stands for. I thought it was really creative and accurate. Overall, I think you had a great speech!

  2. You are very informed on your topic and had really great visuals for the audience. Your speech content was really interesting. You are also very organized. I enjoyed how you used the visual aids, making it easy for all to understand what you are explaining.
