Monday, May 2, 2016

Start/Stop/Continue TOWBE Speech #4

Group Presentation

Towbes Inc.

Start/3 classmates moves
            For future presentations and speech’s this class and everyone involved really helped me feel comfortable talking in front of a class. The ideas, moves, collaboration, and conventions learned from this class and other classmates will influence my overall performance in the future. Some take away moves from our past speech I would have to start with AI dating group, I really liked the shark tank music and background stories of the sharks that they made. This really helped the audience feel like we were watching a sharktank pitch, something I wish we could have incorporated into our presentation. The dump group’s presentation was really well done and acted out, the use of the different accents and concerned parents in the PTA meeting made the presentation feel real. They used a really neat prezi showing the layout of their place, which also made it feel realistic. Lastly I would like to point of Taroff’s moves with the different acting out of characters that would need taroff in everyday activities near the coast. They had an effective video also that made it seem almost like a horror film that added dramatic effect of tar in Santa Barbara. Some things I would have also liked to add to our presentation would have been the opening wow factor, bringing the towbe into class for our sharks to see/feel and make the whole pitch a little more realistic. We could have done a better job with our punch lines, like you said I was a little off on the joke of the towel falling off with some nudity. Also I should have used more hand gestures throughout the presentation and gotten up close to the slides and actually pointed out the differences in our products to competition.

            I think our presentation went very well over all but we could stop doing things through that impact our abilities. First off I think we could have projected our voices a little more, I know that there were some comments of us talking a little softly, so I would like to change that. Next, I would like to stop getting fidgety, I don’t seem to be as nervous as I used to be but I still cant seem to stand still when I’m in front of the class. We also as a group could have gone into a better hook, more of explaining the problem that everyone has with wetsuits ect.. then go into why you need this (towbe). I also should have made it more clear and maybe put a slide with background on my mom and how the towbe came about so the audience could follow along more with the background story. I also agree about the team towbe slide being presented in the first couple slides, this would have helped the audience understand more who we are and who owns the company. 

            I think we did an excellent job considering we all have our own schedules and persona lives to be able to come together and not have time to practice as much as we would have liked to still pull off a great product. I would like to continue all my practicing before speeches in front of classmates, friends, housemates, teacher, anyone who will listen helps you better understand what you are trying to get across and hearing people feedback about how you did. Overall we had a great team with a pretty awesome idea if I don’t say so myself, and we all worked together to make it better and learn how it would be to actually give a product pitch with numbers, background info, and a plan for success. This was a great speech and helped bring classmates together to dissect the convections of whatever genre of speech we were going to do. I will also always to continue to use a prezi for all my in class presentations and speeches I love how they work and what you can do with them.


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