Ryan Fochtman's Portfolio
Thanks for a great year Zack loved the class hope to see you around, the class should all go grab a beer at neighborhood friday night =] deuces brotha!
-Sorry for my voice, I can hardly stand listen to it so I hope you can for 8 minutes haha
Comm 131 Blogger
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Monday, May 2, 2016
Start/Stop/Continue TOWBE Speech #4
Group Presentation
Towbes Inc.
Start/3 classmates moves
For future
presentations and speech’s this class and everyone involved really helped me
feel comfortable talking in front of a class. The ideas, moves, collaboration,
and conventions learned from this class and other classmates will influence my
overall performance in the future. Some take away moves from our past speech I
would have to start with AI dating group, I really liked the shark tank music
and background stories of the sharks that they made. This really helped the
audience feel like we were watching a sharktank pitch, something I wish we
could have incorporated into our presentation. The dump group’s presentation
was really well done and acted out, the use of the different accents and
concerned parents in the PTA meeting made the presentation feel real. They used
a really neat prezi showing the layout of their place, which also made it feel
realistic. Lastly I would like to point of Taroff’s moves with the different acting
out of characters that would need taroff in everyday activities near the coast.
They had an effective video also that made it seem almost like a horror film
that added dramatic effect of tar in Santa Barbara. Some things I would have
also liked to add to our presentation would have been the opening wow factor,
bringing the towbe into class for our sharks to see/feel and make the whole
pitch a little more realistic. We could have done a better job with our punch
lines, like you said I was a little off on the joke of the towel falling off
with some nudity. Also I should have used more hand gestures throughout the
presentation and gotten up close to the slides and actually pointed out the
differences in our products to competition.
I think our
presentation went very well over all but we could stop doing things through
that impact our abilities. First off I think we could have projected our voices
a little more, I know that there were some comments of us talking a little
softly, so I would like to change that. Next, I would like to stop getting
fidgety, I don’t seem to be as nervous as I used to be but I still cant seem to
stand still when I’m in front of the class. We also as a group could have gone
into a better hook, more of explaining the problem that everyone has with
wetsuits ect.. then go into why you need this (towbe). I also should have made
it more clear and maybe put a slide with background on my mom and how the towbe
came about so the audience could follow along more with the background story. I
also agree about the team towbe slide being presented in the first couple
slides, this would have helped the audience understand more who we are and who
owns the company.
I think we
did an excellent job considering we all have our own schedules and persona
lives to be able to come together and not have time to practice as much as we
would have liked to still pull off a great product. I would like to continue
all my practicing before speeches in front of classmates, friends, housemates,
teacher, anyone who will listen helps you better understand what you are trying
to get across and hearing people feedback about how you did. Overall we had a
great team with a pretty awesome idea if I don’t say so myself, and we all
worked together to make it better and learn how it would be to actually give a
product pitch with numbers, background info, and a plan for success. This was a
great speech and helped bring classmates together to dissect the convections of
whatever genre of speech we were going to do. I will also always to continue to
use a prezi for all my in class presentations and speeches I love how they work
and what you can do with them.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Shark Tank Towbe Draft
Owen, Mr.D, and myself will be pitching a shark tank product to investors. Our
goal is to gain $100,000 of investor money in our product to help grow and
expand our Towbe. There will be two sharks and two people pitching the product
(Owen and I). We will go through the conventions that make up a shark tank
pitch and basically be providing the class with its own shark tank pitch in
real life. We will have examples from out side sources (picutres, video,
interviews, ect…) in our prezi and show examples of our competitor and why we
are better.
The goal of
this shark tank presentation is to get across the conventions we know how to
break down from different speeches, come together as a group and get different
idea together, hopefully we found a radical product that everyone will like,
Towbe Incorporations
-Built off cleaning the ocean and beaches
-10% of all
proceeds go to cleaning the beaches and oceans around local California waters.
Some basic questions
that the sharks will ask Owen and I and our responses that will obviously be
more in depth and detailed on stage.
1. What are your sales?
Our sales to date our 1000 units from Santa Barbara beach house
and major surf shop in ventura from January 2016. Our sales to date our just
over $25,000, roughly on track to close out of our first year in 2016 with
$100k plus in sales.
Cost to make- $5
Sell online - $30
Sell to retailers- $15
2. What do you bring to the table?
We currently are both top of our
Business and economics courses at Stanford with a brand new idea that will be
bigger than the snuggie that sold over 10million units. The potential of our
product will be even greater than the snuggie, we are both young hungey and
dedicated on this project. We have spent countless hours getting our patents
and specialzed towbes to be made public. If there 2 men you want working for
you day and night making you money, look no further.
-The investors on "Shark Tank" say over and over again
that an investment isn't just in an idea or a business, but in the entrepreneur
3. Why do you need our money?
We just patented the backpack towbe, we need capital to get our
first order of 5,000 units of backpack towbes out to the ventura warehouse and
online website. We will buy inventory needed for our sales and help our
advertisement and marketing firms grow.
Why the big valuation?
Our evaluation is so big because snuggie has sold
over 500 million to date. And I can give you 5 reasons why were better and
going to be the next snuggie.
· Our
towbe can do just what snuggie does but better
· Ours
turns into a backpack to hold items
· Used
for changing in and out of your wetsuit for the beach
· Can
be used out of the shower. Dry off, get ready, ect..
· Can
be customized to any towel configurations you want
Is your product unique?
Our product is different and unique that it can be
completely customizable like Nike ID and they will be able to fold up into a
backpack the holds all beach wear,utility.toys, ect. There is nothing like our
product out there and we need your help to take it to the next level and beat
out snuggie.
How much debt do you have?
We have no current debt
What are your costs?
We buy our product for $5.00 flat and
sell it for upwards of 29.99, much more affordable than other brands and turns
into a backpack, has sleeves, and can be customized to your liking.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Start/Stop/Continue #3
Speech #3
Start with an overview of what I’m going to be
talking about and explaining my topic with what’s going to follow. I like how
LaQuay does this in his speeches and always gives us an overview of what’s
Getting people/audience involved more so that
they don’t daydream or stop paying attention. I should do more hands on talking
to the class and getting them more involved with questions, show of hands,
Changing my voice tone more to match what I’m
trying to say. Make it sound more enthusiastic when the time is right and bring
it to a more serious tone when I need to.
Moving around more and use up the whole front of
the class, I find myself limited and always standing near the computer when I
should be utilizing the whole floor.
Being calm and confident when being up on stage,
most of the jitters go away after 30 seconds but it’s the anticipation of going
up to do the speech that gets me nervous.
Having a better conclusion and going over all my
main points at the end to wrap everything up and get people to understand that
prisonshops are good!
Adding more comedy in my speech, I have done so
in the past and I would like to add more throughout the speech and get the
audience more involved and laughing.
I could have added more history on the
sweatshops. Typically when they originated and why and how they were caught
many times in America but have been shut down.
I also wanted to explain more about the
companies being able to specially buy out individual prisons and have them make
whichever product they want. They would also be in charge of how much each
prisoner is paid depending on work experience and production output rates.
Stop rushing through my speech and talking to
fast. I need to slow down my speech and give a moment of silence or breath to
gather my thoughts rather then rush to the next thing.
Saying um and uh when I get lost or confused on
what I just said. Its easy to throw those in as fillers when instead I could
use a moment of silence.
Stay away from monotone speeches; I need to mix
up my voice when necessary to give my speech that extra push it needs. At the
end of my speech I should of gone with a straight southern accent talking bout
merica’ and beer when presenting those slides of American goods. That would
show me adapting to my speech style and genre more.
Reading off the slide show or prezi I have. I
need to work on just finding key words when I glance at the screen to help me
remember what to talk about rather then just reading directly off the sreen.
To be happy and enthusiastic about what I am
presenting. Always stay smiling and keeping good eye contact. Portraying a
positive attitude keeps you positive and reflects off on to others watching and
Speak to the audience and not face the screen.
Knowing my presentation by heart helps a lot and makes it so I don’t have to
keep checking the computer or screen. Although I did get caught up reading off
the screen 2 or 3 times on the longer typed slides.
Using hand gestures, even though they can use
improvement to help keep the audience focused elaborate on things.
Being myself and using topics that continue to
interest me. I really like my last one because it was kind of reasonable. It
had a legitimate feel that could actually work.
My hand gestures improved this speech from the
last two but still could use work. I could have used my fingers to list off the
problems or reasons why I choose jails in America.
Classmates Move’s
Nick LaQuay- What I liked about Nick’s speech
was that he had a really interesting topic and presentation. This kept the
audience involved and always looking at the screen. His overview of the whole
presentation in the beginning is what I find most effective and helpful in
explaining his topic.
Mr.D- I liked how Mr. D picked a topic that was
really out there and something very radical. It was something not everyone
thinks about ever… but he made a very interesting point to recycle our waste
and use humanure instead of plumping.
Connor- I really liked how Connor threw the
change and the money on the table when talking about going back to the barter
system. The use of props was a good attention grabber and really got everyone
listening to what he had to say.
Prezi Link-
Speech video link-
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Radical Speech #3 Rough Draft
- Radical Speech- Sweat shops should be legal in the US.
- Turn prisons into sweatshops because of the already available space and cheap labor in PrisonShops.
- Talk about the benefits of sweatshops.(Prisonshops)
- · Maximize Profit
- · Faster output
- · Resources is already there (Jails)
- · Prisoners learn skill set from factory working.
- · Cheap labor costs
- · Save over sea spending
- · Bring back America made products
- Talk about how we could turn US Prisons into sweatshops. Making the prisoners work low pay and vast hours for major corporations. This would save millions of dollars in oversea spending and cheaper labor costs. Sweatshops in America will change the way we do business over seas. America will be paying less for more products without having to pay minimal wage prices and already using sources available.
- o Big Corportations can buy out prisons for cheap labor to turn into their own sweatshops (prisonshops).
- o Over seas trades will decrease saving money on coporation having to buy cheaper made product in different countries.
- o Prisoners will learn a skill for when they leave the jail for future job applications.
- o Government will gain percentage of big corporations sales from prisonshops. Ultimately going towards our national debt of “At the end of FY 2015 the US national debt was “guesstimated” to be $21.7 trillion, including federal $18.2 trillion, state $1.15 trillion, and local $1.9 trillion.” http://www.usgovernmentdebt.us/national_debt
- o America made will now be able to put Made in America on the clothing/products manufactured here.
- “The vast majority of merchandise Walmart sells in the U.S. is manufactured abroad. The company searches the world for the cheapest goods possible, and this usually means buying from low-wage factories overseas. Walmart boasts of direct relationships with nearly 20,000 Chinese suppliers,[iv] and purchased $27 billion worth of Chinese-made goods in 2006.[v] According to the Economic Policy Institute, Walmart’s trade with China alone eliminated 133,000 U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2001 and 2006 and accounted for 11.2 percent of the nation’s total job loss due to trade.[vi] But China is hardly the only source of Walmart goods: the company also imports from Bangladesh, Honduras, Cambodia, and a host of other countries.”
- http://www.demos.org/publication/not-made-america-top-10-ways-walmart-destroys-us-manufacturing-jobs
- The United States is the world's leader in incarceration with 2.2 million people currently in the nation's prisons or jails -- a 500% increase over the past thirty years.
- http://www.sentencingproject.org/template/page.cfm?id=107
- · 2.2 Million prisoners could be manufacturing US goods in America for cheap wages and benefit the government by having a percentage go towards US Debt and save big corporations over sea costs.
- Lets stop manufacturing over seas and start turning our prisons into profitable manufacturing businesses!
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