Monday, February 8, 2016

Start, Stop, Continue #1

  • ·      Practicing the speech in front of a mirror or record myself multiple times before the real speech to make sure all flaws are dealt with and catch any mistakes.
  • ·      Using more hand gestures while speaking to explain certain things and elaborate more.
  • ·      Have more confidence while speaking and portraying a speech that puts the audience in the situation.  
  • ·      Contextualizing the rhetorical situation and making the audience feel apart of the speech and visualize what I’m trying to say.
  • ·      Having an even speed while talking and not slow down too much or speed up too much.
  • ·      Adapting my language to the audience, I should have been talking more like a surfer to a surfer conversation than just a normal kid with an idea to expand his industry.
  • ·      Memorizing my speech more and not having to rely on notecards.
  • ·      Making my speech more clear and organized.
  • ·      Speak loud and clear with eye contact.
  • ·      Specifically try and put my listeners in my position of the speech and feel like they are in the moment.
  • ·      Get the audience involved more and try to throw in jokes and points in the speech that are relatable.
  • ·      Start talking with an evenly and confidant tone through out the whole speech adapting my tone.
  • ·      Putting more of me and my voice into the speech, instead of having it sound like I’m having a monotone conversation with the world’s best surfer.
  • ·      Make pauses in my speech when I am stuck or lost in my thoughts to gather myself and continue.
  • ·      Start moving around more and using the space given to look more comfortable and confident.
  • ·      Having better transition words between phrases, sentences, and ideas. I would get stuck trying to transition from ideas and thinking ahead of myself.
  • ·      Smiling more and having a better overall appearance.
  •      Stop-
  • ·      Stop using not cards and make sure my speech is fully memorized with confidence.
  • ·      Feeling awkward and nervous while speaking. I need to overcome my fear of public speaking.
  • ·      Saying “um” and “like” after sentences that I’m not sure what to say.
  • ·      I’m going to stop relying on my notecards for what to say next.
  • ·      Stop speed talking about what I know and rushing through what I’m tying to say with out breaks.
  • ·      Being fidgety and uncomfortable in front of the class.
  • ·      Swinging back and fourth. I need to be calm and confident and talk with passion and use the whole floor, or at least more than just standing in the same position.
  • ·      Talking to fast when I realized how much time I was at trying to rush the rest of it, which led me to forget some.
  • ·      Looking down at my notecard when I don’t need to because I’m nervous and have nowhere else to look.
  • ·      Forgetting parts of my speech because I was nervous and couldn’t remember. There was so much more detail I wanted to explain about the surf industry and surf culture that would arise from expanding into states that never have experienced the sport, but I got nervous and forgot…
  • ·      Thinking ahead of myself and getting caught up on what’s going to be said, instead of what I’m saying now. I was trying to figure out what I was going to say next and in return messing up what I was already saying.
  •     Continue-
  • ·      Having a solid intro and with credibility to why I think Kelly should expand his wave pool in every state in America.
  • ·      Using hand gestures to help emphasize certain things even though I didn’t do it a lot, this is something I want to work on and continue to improve.
  • ·      Eye contact, confidence, and body posture although all need improvement.
  • ·      Practicing my speech in front of friends and the camera to help get a better understanding of what I need to improve and elaborate on.
  • ·      Incorporating a story that relates my speech to my personal life and help others visualize it better. Bringing in my background information on surfing and being from a state that doesn’t get a beach as its backyard.
  • ·      To be enthused and interested in what I am talking about.
  • ·      Trying to use pauses instead of getting nervous and saying “um” or “like” and other fillers that distract not only me but also the audience.
  • ·      Smiling and portraying a positive attitude towards my peers.
  • ·      To research more background information incase I ever get stuck or lost I will be able to go off of other information. I got mixed up in my speech and went off on a different path than originally planned and had to wing it.
  • ·      Adapting my language and tone to the audience along with my posture.
  • ·      Trying to do the best I can and not worry about mistakes because everyone makes them, and to just move on with the speech and not let it affect the total outcome.
  • Link to my speech-

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