Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Radical Speech #3 Rough Draft

  • Radical Speech- Sweat shops should be legal in the US.
  • Turn prisons into sweatshops because of the already available space and cheap labor in PrisonShops.
  • Talk about the benefits of sweatshops.(Prisonshops)
  • ·      Maximize Profit
  • ·      Faster output
  • ·      Resources is already there (Jails)
  • ·      Prisoners learn skill set from factory working.
  • ·      Cheap labor costs
  • ·      Save over sea spending
  • ·      Bring back America made products
  • Talk about how we could turn US Prisons into sweatshops. Making the prisoners work low pay and vast hours for major corporations. This would save millions of dollars in oversea spending and cheaper labor costs. Sweatshops in America will change the way we do business over seas. America will be paying less for more products without having to pay minimal wage prices and already using sources available.
  • o   Big Corportations can buy out prisons for cheap labor to turn into their own sweatshops (prisonshops).
  • o   Over seas trades will decrease saving money on coporation having to buy cheaper made product in different countries.
  • o   Prisoners will learn a skill for when they leave the jail for future job applications.
  • o   Government will gain percentage of big corporations sales from prisonshops. Ultimately going towards our national debt of “At the end of FY 2015 the US national debt was “guesstimated” to be $21.7 trillion, including federal $18.2 trillion, state $1.15 trillion, and local $1.9 trillion.”
  • o   America made will now be able to put Made in America on the clothing/products manufactured here.
  •             “The vast majority of merchandise Walmart sells in the U.S. is manufactured abroad. The company searches the world for the cheapest goods possible, and this usually means buying from low-wage factories overseas.  Walmart boasts of direct relationships with nearly 20,000 Chinese suppliers,[iv] and purchased $27 billion worth of Chinese-made goods in 2006.[v] According to the Economic Policy Institute, Walmart’s trade with China alone eliminated 133,000 U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2001 and 2006 and accounted for 11.2 percent of the nation’s total job loss due to trade.[vi] But China is hardly the only source of Walmart goods: the company also imports from Bangladesh, Honduras, Cambodia, and a host of other countries.”
  • The United States is the world's leader in incarceration with 2.2 million people currently in the nation's prisons or jails -- a 500% increase over the past thirty years.
  • ·      2.2 Million prisoners could be manufacturing US goods in America for cheap wages and benefit the government by having a percentage go towards US Debt and save big corporations over sea costs.
  • Lets stop manufacturing over seas and start turning our prisons into profitable manufacturing businesses!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Start, Stop, Continue #2

Ryan Fochtman
Start, Stop, Continue 
Speech #2

Oscar Award Speech
  • Start
  • ·      Start being more involved and energetic while speaking in front of the class.
  • ·      Walking around more and using my hands adequately to keep people engaged.
  • ·      Emphasizing words to direct my point and guide the topic in different directions.
  • ·      Slow my speaking down so I don’t get caught up with what I’m going to talk about and focus on what I am saying now.
  • ·      Putting more specific examples in my speech to help the audience fully understand what I’m trying to convey.
  • ·      I need to bring my voice and body gestures to life to use them to guide the audience through my presentation with a modulation of voice.
  • ·      Being more calm and confident in front of the class, I know its nerve racking and ill always be a little fluttered but I want to work on blocking out all the thoughts of messing up and focus on the speech.
  • ·      At least for our previous speech I need to show more specific moves and examples of my genre to fully understand its conventions.
  • ·      Working on smooth transitions to better improve my speech.
  • ·      More practice in front of people and cameras to help watch your body movement and get criticism so help yourself focus on what your doing wrong and fix it.
  • ·      Do a conclusion at the end of my speech to wrap up everything I have just gone over and refresh the main points in everyone’s mind.
  • Stop
  • ·      I would like to stop being nervous and a little awkward in front of the class, conveying a confident attitude is key to a successful speech.
  • ·      Sitting still and not utilizing the front of the classroom. I should be walking around and explaining things with my body language and not just by talking.
  • ·      Saying um between words and sentences when I’m trying to think of what I’m going to say next, I should already have it down and use smooth transitions.
  • ·      Stop feeling nervous and thinking that I am talking to fast or to slow.
  • ·      Worrying about the time and making sure I am going to hit the time mark, it is very distrustful and makes me loose focus when I am worrying about a time mark I need to hit.
  • ·       
  • Continue
  • ·      Trying to have my speech basically memorized and not rely on the prezi/screen/notecards. Only using the board tog guide my speech in the right direction.
  • ·      Using hand gestures and eye contact with the audience and keeping them involved.
  • ·      Continue maybe acting out my speech or using more emotion like I had done when I was “surprised” that I won the Oscars and when I was giving off fake thanks to the crowd.
  • ·      A calm and collective self image to portray a confident speech
  • ·      Pointing at the prezi for specific examples and drawing the attention of the class towards the presentation.
  • ·      Trying to have points in my speech that make the audience laugh or has an attention grabber (hook).
  • ·      Continue to pick speeches that I am interested in and want to talk about so I am more enthusiastic about the speech and my performance will show.
  • ·      Practicing my speech in front of friends and others to help get timing and transitions down.
  • ·      Timing my speech on a computer to know how fast I am talking at certain points and decide if it is to long or not long enough.
  • Two Movies My Classmates Did-
  • ·      Taka’s Move- Taka did his speech on a motivational sports speech. Where he did the conventions of a pump up speech for either halftime, end of game, and beginning. The move I liked about his speech was connecting the conventions and overall experience to his personal life. He was once in the shoes of the players getting the motivational speech and you could tell he was really into the speech and loved what he talked about. He used past experience and examples to help the class better understand what he went through and what athletes go through that hear these speeches.
  • ·      Connor’s Move- Connor’s did his speech genre on interrogations. He went through all the conventions and showed explicit examples. Toward the end he all the sudden slammed the folder down on the counter really loud and violently, like they would in an interrogation. It really grabbed everyone’s attention and had you listening. I really liked that move in the speech because it was an attention grabber and really related to what his speech genre was about.
  • Here is a link to my video on youtube as well as my Prezi I presented in class. (copy and paste)
  • Prezi-
  • Youtube Video-